Thursday, January 10, 2008

who knew?

Who knew vacation could be almost as tiring as work?!

Highlights of my 9 days off so far:

1) spontaneous dinner, games and American Gladiator gathering with Dave, Karla and Brad

2) cycling faster than I thought I could 'cause the bike has been a little neglected this fall

3) spontaneous prayer with Steve and Evy

4) writing

5) quitting my job at VGH (okay, that was last week...but the joy of the decision lingers this week)

6) shopping at Superstore during the day, during the week.

Highlights yet to come:

1) movie with my roommate. Yes it will be a cheesy romance...we both need a little shot of unrealistic hope.

2) bridal shower for a girl from the ICU

3) dinner for Aaron's birthday

4) Beth staying overnight and Sabrina making us crepes on Saturday morning!

5) Caracasonne with Jill and Colin

6) Paul's birthday

7) lunch with my parents

8) unexpected spontaneous things and people and situations

Honestly I wish I could be independently wealthy....

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