Tuesday, March 24, 2009

maternal thoughts

HA! I bet the title of this post had you shaking in your boots. Boots. Unfortunately, we still need these here in Van City because it's freezing and wet and nasty. That was a tangent. So, I discovered this website called Postcards from Yo Momma. If you have ever had a conversation with your mother that has made you roll your eyes or feel like you'll have a great story for the next dinner party you attend you must go there. Here is a sample of what you will find: (Just to clarify, this is NOT me, it's a sample from Postcards from Yo Momma)

me: I have a date saturday
mom: with brian?
me: yeah bryan he’s so nice
mom: you know the 90 day rule?
me: 90 day rule?
mom: yeah no major physical stuff and no major baring of the soul. it was on oprah hahahah. men need time and women need to hold them off haahah
me: ok mom.
mom: some book called act like a lady and think like a man
me: ok I’ll think like a man just for you

Saturday, March 14, 2009

friends are so lovely

I saw this one night on the evening news. It made me teary in a good way and every time I've showed it to someone since I find myself welling up. It is so, so, so, so, lovely to be loved and to love. Even if you are an elephant and a dog:


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

hubcaps and happiness

On Saturday, my brother, sister in law, parents and I gathered to have lunch to celebrate my dad's birthday. I arrived before my brother so I parked in the left hand spot. My brother pulled into the spot to the right of me. I was already settled inside chatting with my parents when my brother came in and said, "what the heck happened to your hubcaps?!" I responded, giggling, "well, they're plastic and I've had them for a while. I guess I've gotten a little too close to the curb a couple of times." And, as all good brothers do, he repeatedly teased me about this throughout the afternoon. I have learned over my life that the best thing to do with teasing brothers is too not react, but I've been out of practice for a few years and so I kept laughing at him which I'm sure was very encouraging. When we were all leaving he said, "buy hubcaps on the way home!!"

Yesterday, I was at work, on a break and I could hear my phone vibrating in my bag so I quickly grabbed it and answered. The following conversation ensued:


"It's Simon. Are you at home tonight?"

"Not until after 8. Why?"

"I'm coming over. For about 10 minutes"

"Okay. Why?"

"I have something to show you."

"Well, do you want me to come to your place on my way home?"

"Sure. see you later."


Well, being a girl and being me, I start to wonder, what the heck?!! My brother rarely calls me and he never comes over for 10 minutes just to show me something. Anyway, I show up at his house, knock on the door, go in and there he is with four brand new hubcaps. I throw my head back and laugh. We go outside, he puts the hubcaps on my car, I hug him and say, "thanks, that was a nice older brother thing to do." He looks at me with a little smirk and says, "I didn't do it for you, I did it for me" which we all know isn't true.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

spiritual direction and grammar

I am meeting with a spiritual director for the first time today. I am excited about this, especially after rereading her pamphlet. Continuing to grow and mature in my relationship with God honestly makes me a little giddy. What does He have for me? What will He call me to? How will He change me? How will He lead me? I love the quote at the end of the pamphlet.

"Put simply, life is a God-given opportunity to become who we are, to affirm
our own true spiritual nature, claim our truth, appropriate and integrate the
reality of our being but most of all to say, "YES" to the One who calls us

Henri Nouwen

On a completely different note. Today is national grammar day!!! It's a day to spell well, punctuate well and use words correctly!! YES!