Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Oh how I wish I had my camera so I could show you the sight I saw right at the end of today. A beautiful, perfect rainbow arced high in the sky. The color was brilliant. It was so easy to delineate the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. I stood at the patient's window with a big grin on my face. "what do you see that's making you smile like that?" "It 's a rainbow. A really beautiful rainbow." My impulse took over and I kicked the brake off the bed and rolled her bed to the window so she could see it too. We both looked out the window. I sighed. Faintly I heard, "thank you." "you're welcome."

Because the rainbow represents the promise of God to never flood the whole world again my mind went to that story and all the promises He has made. A former pastor of mine said, "when you hear the promises of God it's as good as hearing history." In other words, the promises of God are so true and so sure that we could write it in a history book for all to see. I sit here thinking of all the promises I know. Promise of eternal life. Promise of life and life to the full. Promise of a hope and a future. Other promises that God has whispered into my heart and my ears.

Thank You for the rainbow. Thank You for Your promises. Thank you for keeping Your promises. Thank You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just kinda clicked on your profile from Bobbi's blog and well, saw this blog and couldn't help but share the blog I wrote about that rainbow yesterday (I got pictures of it!): http://leahtan.blogspot.com/2007/12/did-you-see-that-rainbow-today.html

And I think it is pretty cool that you're a nurse because I happen to be a nursing student... in my 3rd year =).