Wednesday, February 13, 2008

posting request

Certain friends have noted that it has been a few days since my last post. I do not think I have anything nearly as witty to say as my friend Beth and her suggestions of butterscotch pranks. I am not sure I have anything witty to say at all. However, because certain friends want me to post I think I will report a couple of scores from recently played games. I only do this because I continue to be on the longest losing streak in Monopoly against said friends. I bet I could be in The Guiness Book of World Records for successive losses at Monopoly. We should be keeping better tally. I digress. A couple of weeks ago I won Ticket to Ride with 156 points. My friend, who laughs maniacally when it is clear I will lose at Monopoly again, only got 81 points. Please note that my score came close to doubling his. Tonight, while playing Scrabble with the other friend I got 312 points and she got 260. I love that I have this blog where these scores will be catalogued forever.


Bobbi said...

Oh man, Blaur. You're so competitive. I don't remember any score from any game I play. Mind you, I don't even like games! Hope you're well.

Laura J said...

no, no it's not about the's about the hilarity of me actually winning. The games are fun regardless of the outcome!