Saturday, November 10, 2007


This past week has been a journey of hearts. Hearts that have been broken. Hearts that have been filled. Hearts that are changing. And hearts that are focusing. Oddly, none of these hearts are mine but I have been deeply affected by all of them.

I have never had more people in my home who have sat on my couch and weeped. And I have wept with them. It is difficult to know how to help someone when their hearts are broken. I can't heal their hearts even though I would love to do nothing more.

I have watched some of my friends in the anticipation of new love and new life and I have smiled along with them. Truly, there is nothing as joy inducing as watching someone potentially fall in love.

I have seen people who are shifting the paths they are walking and have been in awe as their hearts are changed. Shifting paths are sometimes difficult but always worth it. It makes me long to continue to walk in the change in my own heart.

I have watched my friends who are navigating a new path in life and are learning how to make it all work. They are focusing their direction toward one another. I think the focused heart is the most poignant. It calls for a tearing away of the unimportant. It calls for consciously choosing. It calls for sacrifice.

May all our hearts be broken and renewed and shifted and focused.

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