Tuesday, March 24, 2009

maternal thoughts

HA! I bet the title of this post had you shaking in your boots. Boots. Unfortunately, we still need these here in Van City because it's freezing and wet and nasty. That was a tangent. So, I discovered this website called Postcards from Yo Momma. If you have ever had a conversation with your mother that has made you roll your eyes or feel like you'll have a great story for the next dinner party you attend you must go there. Here is a sample of what you will find: (Just to clarify, this is NOT me, it's a sample from Postcards from Yo Momma)

me: I have a date saturday
mom: with brian?
me: yeah bryan he’s so nice
mom: you know the 90 day rule?
me: 90 day rule?
mom: yeah no major physical stuff and no major baring of the soul. it was on oprah hahahah. men need time and women need to hold them off haahah
me: ok mom.
mom: some book called act like a lady and think like a man
me: ok I’ll think like a man just for you

1 comment:

nadine said...

Haha. Oh, man, my entire weekend with my mom belongs on that site. Hilarity ensues always.

Thanks for the laugh!