Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Monopoly is fast becoming the bane of my existence. I lost again...which is the ridicdamdonculous part of it all. Yet I have a sick compulsion to play it every time I'm at Dave and Karla's. We hit an all time low tonight when Dave could not control his maniacal laughter after he accumulated thousands of dollars of cash and had nowhere to use it because all his property had hotels. It was actually pretty fun and I'm happy to keep playing because I just know that when victory comes, one day in the future, it will be one of the sweetest experiences ever.

I had class this morning. New Testament Foundations at Regent College. It was beautiful and I was actually moved to tears a couple of times when Rikk spoke about Jesus. Here are a couple of truth nuggets:

"It's the General's responsibility to make the orders clear, not the soldiers." (see philippians)

"The will of God for your life is for you to look like Jesus today."

"We think theology is knowing about how things work when it's really about how you live."

Brilliant...especially the last one.

1 comment:

Bobbi said...

Hey Blaura: I like being your NT buddy, especially when you yell out "shut up" to strangers during the Q and A part of class. Sure looks like Jesus to me:))) (that's a smile with a couple double chins thrown in there). Keep up the Monopoly skills - that's a game I actually love.