Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Jesus with skin on

Since breaking my hand I have been amazed at how my lovely friends have shown themselves to me. I have had people make me meals, watch movies with me, come over and play games with me, and take me out for coffee. I opened my door last night to a friend who had baked some cookies for me. It is most humbling to be in this position. I'm not good at asking for help and I pretty much need help to do everything right now. So when Louanne put jam on my toast and Bryan zipped up my jacket and Kim tied my shoes (all at different times!) I actually got teary. Not because I was sad, but because I was amazed again that these people choose to be part of my life and are willing to do such things. My heart is overwhelmed by love. Those friends who have taken time out to be "Jesus with skin on" are most amazing. And I love you all!

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