Thursday, June 7, 2007

Blessed is she

It's always so amazing to me how so many great things can happen in such a short period of time. Over the course of this week I have had a picnic at the beach, dejunked my house, had the best BBQ chicken I have ever eaten in my life (outside of the chicken in Burundi of course!) rode my bike for the first time in a month, successfully put a central line into an extremely difficult vein and the list goes on and on. That of course was a terrible sentence but I hope you will forgive me!! The joy of the week culminated tonight when Dave and Karla and I walked to Safeway to buy ice cream. We each picked a flavor of Breyer's and then walked back to my place and ate tastings of each flavor, except Dave who had an enormous bowl full of all three flavors. I have loved every second of this week. It feels like I live in a dream world sometimes!! I'm so thrilled to know that so much more is coming. Hiking, Andrea's birthday, playing piano in church and so many things that I know nothing about yet!!

My life is blessed. Knowing Jesus in the midst of this blessing makes all of this that much richer. I honestly believe that the daily pleasures of life are sweeter, richer, more poignant in light of knowing Jesus. Everything is just... so much more. That's the only way i can say it.

Even when things are difficult and frustrating the experience of it all is so much richer. There seems to be meaning in the midst of that also. There is perspective and hope and joy and wealth (not in the monetary sense) in all of it.

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."-Jesus

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