Friday, October 26, 2007

kindergarten memory

A few minutes ago I was thinking about kindergarten. I was 4 when I went into kindergarten, not because of my brilliance, but because my birthday falls in the last quarter of the year. I remember my teacher, Mrs. Sinclair, who had long, flowing dark brown hair. I often wanted to touch it. Her hair looked silky. She had the same last name as our principal and even in kindergarten this did not pass us by. "are they married?" "do they love each other?" "Will they have babies one day?" It turns out they just had the same last name. End of story. Kindergarten was more an exercise of learning self restraint for me than anything. Waiting my turn in the sand area. Waiting my turn at the water station. Waiting to answer the questions Mrs. Sinclair was asking. Waiting, waiting, waiting. What took people so long to come up with the answers anyway? It was soooooooooo obvious. In my first report card Mrs. Sinclair wrote "Laura's extensive leadership skills sometimes come across as bossiness on the playground." How poor Mrs. Sinclair must have poured over that sentence. She probably thought, "How do I tell these parents that their daughter is annoying the heck out of all the other kids by telling them what to do?" She needn't have worried. My poor parents were very attuned to the fact that I was bossy. I think they knew I'd figure it out in the end. My mom was wise enough to know that, deep down, having friends was more important to me than telling people what to do. I would also like to inform you that in my final kindergarten report card Mrs. Sinclair wrote, "Laura has effectively learned how to hone her leadership skills on the playground. She is a happy and delightful child to teach." I think she was just relieved to send me to Grade One.

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