Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I've had a few thoughts today:

1) I really like my new roommate. In fact, I love her in the purely platonic sense of the word. There is no telling how happy it makes me that she likes to clean as much as or more than me. Not to mention that her mere presence makes me smile. She's the bee's knees!
2) Small gestures speak volumes and there have been a few small gestures in the last couple of days that have made my heart sing.
3) My new turkey chili recipe is a keeper. YES!
4) I like cookies a lot. I especially like them when someone else bakes them and leaves them at my house.
5) My friend Beth makes me think. Perhaps she should be mentoring me instead of the other way around.
6) It's unbelievably difficult, and I dare say, impossible to love God and love people on my own strength. I am truly thankful for Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Where would I be without them?

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